Thursday 18 October 2012

Who is Jesus? You Decide

Every day people make decisions. Some are inconsequential;
 "What colour socks will I wear?", " What topping should I put on my pizza?"
Others carry great significance for our future.
"Will I marry this man?", "Should I accept this job offer?"
A few decisions carry eternal significance and consequence. In fact, ONE DECISION ALONE will ultimately determine the destiny of every human being.
Jesus asked this question of His disciples when He walked the earth 2000 years ago, and still the question rings through the ages.
"Who do you say that I am?"

Whom are you seeking? and are you ready to be found?

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="230"]Are you ready to be found? Are you ready to be found?[/caption]

Mary Magdelene, the infamous sinner turned saint, and a figure of historical controversy and speculation, met the risen Christ in a garden near the tomb in which, only hours before, He lay dead. Not recognising Him through her grief, He asked her the question, "Whom do you seek?"

What are you looking for?

People everywhere are seeking answers to life's questions. Your ONE ANSWER to ONE QUESTION can change everything, and bring sense and perspective to the confusion that surrounds us in the world today?

It is not by acts of charity, or religious observances and rituals, nor by suffering or success, that we will come to discover the solution to our dilemma. When asked how a person could works the works of God, Jesus' answer was profoundly simple.

They may have expected Him to say, "Go to church three times a week and say your prayers", or "do good and be nice to everyone, give to the poor and love your neighbour", maybe they expected a much more extreme answer. Something impressive to earn God's favour and honour. Instead Jesus said with utmost humility;

"This is the work of God. That you believe on Him whom He has sent."


Jesus Christ

Monday 8 October 2012

My, What A Beautiful But!

There are many theological words associated with redemption, all of them significant and powerful, but there is one word that I believe is under appreciated. The significance of this little conjunction cannot be over emphasised, for without it we would be in a terrible situation.

So please forgive me if my BUT looks big in this, I just want to highlight the "But God" factor in our lives...

Consider for example the following truths:
You were "dead in trespasses and sins, in which you once walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience, among whom also we all once conducted ourselves in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, just as the others…" (Ephesians 2:1-3)

Sounds bad doesn't it?

Jesus Christ - Go There Now

Is the Bible Really True?

the Christian BibleWhat makes the Bible different from all other books? Is it really the Word of God, or just another religious tome bearing little relevance for the modern reader?

It is the most loved (and the most hated!) book in all history. It's influence on countless nations and individuals cannot be estimated. It has been, and continues to be, the most controversial piece of literature ever to be written. So what is it about this book that makes it so different? Why do so many claim that it is no ordinary book, not a man made creation, but that it is indeed the very words of God Himself?

The Holy Bible

"Bible" simply means book. It is the book of books. And there are many compelling reasons that it considered to be a supernatural communication to the heart of mankind, and not just a collection of ancient writings. We outline a number of these reasons below, but first let's quickly look at what the Bible actually is...


Find out more about the Bible

Is it possible to know jesus Personally?

Can I know Jesus Christ?

How Can I Know Jesus Christ?Thankfully we can know God, not just know about Him. Religion would like to keep you at a distance, but Jesus Christ does not!

A definite call has been sent out to anyone who will respond. It is an invite to know God for yourself, not as some distant religious icon, but up close and personal. Are you ready?

The Bible clearly says that God so loved the world that He gave His only son, that whoever, that means absolutely whoever, believes in Him, will not perish but have everlasting life.
For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16)

Not by any virtue of our own, but by simple faith, you can accept this invitation. Thousands upon thousands of people are striving every moment under the heavy yoke of religion, trying to earn their place with God. Jesus, on the other hand, offers entrance into God's family and Kingdom, as a free gift...

Click Here to read the rest of this article on the JesusChrist website

Have You Found jesus Yet?

Have you found Jesus yet?We have all probably heard the joke, "I found Jesus!", to which someone replies, "Oh, I didn't know He was lost". But maybe there's more to this little joke than meets the eye. Sometimes people are looking in all the wrong places for the King.

I always found it a bit strange that many churches would have an icon or statue of a man pinned to a cross prominently stuck on the outside of their building, when in reality a big hole may have been more appropriate, representing an empty tomb.

Without the resurrection, the cross is pointless and powerless. Together they are unconquerable, even by death itself!

Some people seek Jesus in a dusty stable among the mewing cows - but He is not there, only on a Christmas card.

Other pilgrims look for the Carpenter of Galilee on the shores of the lake or the streets of Jerusalem - but He is strangely absent. The streets teem with religious humanity, but Jesus is nowhere to be found.

Then we venture deeper and look to the cross. Where is He that died for my sins? I take a look, but the cross is empty. Well, not really, I am there - He was my substitute, and all that hangs there today are the filthy rags of my sin, not the glory of my Saviour.

I walk on to the tomb. Surely I will glimpse Him there. Only to discover the angel that spoke to Mary still guards that spot. "Why do you look for the living among the dead?" he questions, and sends me on my way.

I run to the very spot where he ascended, only He's not there either. Another angel this time urging, "What are you standing looking up into the sky for? He will come again in the very same way, but until that moment, get to work, and do what He says!"

"Oh, God!" I cry, "Come visit me, come down and touch me, I cannot find Jesus."

And in an instant He replies.

"No, no, my son, I'm not coming down. I already did that - you come up. The way is open, a new a living way into my presence, and no thing on earth or in heaven can bar your way."

And so I do. Simply, by faith.

And there, at the right hand of Majesty on high, sits my Lord and my God, my friend and the Saviour of all - Jesus Christ.

"There You are!" I exclaim in delight and awe.

"Of course I am, where did you expect to find Me?"


Read more ...

Tuesday 6 April 2010

Christian Sex a celebration

Christian sex and intimacy within Christian marriage is something to be celebrated. Cheeck out this amazing resource to help you and your marriage partner develop lifelong intimacy.

Christian Porn help

Christin porn addiction and masturbation addiction is a real issue in the church, and one that is rarely discussed or dealt with with. The good news is that there is an answer to those Christians who struggle with porn addiction.

Find help with Christian porn addiction at

You can also read informative articles at:

Christian Porn - Is It Really A Problem?

Christian Porn Dangers and Answers