Monday 8 October 2012

Is the Bible Really True?

the Christian BibleWhat makes the Bible different from all other books? Is it really the Word of God, or just another religious tome bearing little relevance for the modern reader?

It is the most loved (and the most hated!) book in all history. It's influence on countless nations and individuals cannot be estimated. It has been, and continues to be, the most controversial piece of literature ever to be written. So what is it about this book that makes it so different? Why do so many claim that it is no ordinary book, not a man made creation, but that it is indeed the very words of God Himself?

The Holy Bible

"Bible" simply means book. It is the book of books. And there are many compelling reasons that it considered to be a supernatural communication to the heart of mankind, and not just a collection of ancient writings. We outline a number of these reasons below, but first let's quickly look at what the Bible actually is...


Find out more about the Bible

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